🎉 Homecoming Update! 🎉 Hey SBL families! We've got some news about our upcoming homecoming celebrations: 📅 NEW SCHEDULE: Our homecoming parade and coronation are moving to daytime hours! Why the change? ➡️ Evening activities couldn't be rescheduled ➡️ Student council is excited about the new timing and the opportunity for increased student participation! • When: Oct 2, 2024 at 12:20 PM • Where: Parade begins at the Primary building and ends at the football field • Who: Parade will consist of the marching band, athletic teams and homecoming court. Public welcome to attend. • What: Pep rally following the parade at the football field culminating in coronation 🙏 We know this might affect some plans, and we're sorry for any inconvenience. 👀 What's next? After homecoming, our staff and student leaders will assess these changes to help plan for next year. ❓ Questions? Reach out to the high school office. Thanks for your flexibility and support! Let's make this homecoming one to remember!
11 days ago, Chad Janzen
Reminder of the community meeting tonight at 7pm in the high school auditorium, led by the community, regarding the November 2024 bond issue.
12 days ago, Chad Janzen
bond issue
This is a community led meeting. Their goal is to get 100 community members to attend. Join them on Sept. 4.
16 days ago, Chad Janzen
We're off to a great start!
24 days ago, Susan Kloostra
Fri Dismissals
Have you registered your child for school? Registration is an important process in determining class rosters and bus routes. If you have not registered, please do so. Registration fees can be paid later. Thank you!
27 days ago, Chad Janzen
warrior reminder
Join us for open house August 21. Can't wait to start another great school year. School starts August 23!
28 days ago, Chad Janzen
back to school
Patiently waiting to start transporting students in one week. Remember, it is illegal to pass a school bus from behind when it's yellow or red lights are flashing. It is also illegal to pass from the front when red lights are passing. Please use caution ⚠️ when these buses return to the road.
28 days ago, Chad Janzen
school busses
Opportunities this week to learn about the East Campus and School Bond issue this week: Wed: 9AM at Club 55 Wed: 10:30 AM at Hawk's Coffee Wed: 6PM at Hawk's Coffee
about 1 month ago, Chad Janzen
At the school board meeting on August 5, the board approved the petition to put a bond issue on the November ballot. The signatures now go to the county auditor for verification. The language as it will appear on the ballot: "Shall the Board of Directors of the Sergeant Bluff-Luton Community School District in the County of Woodbury, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $54,600,000 to provide funds to build, furnish, and equip a new Primary School building as an addition to the Elementary building and improve the site; to build, furnish, and equip a new Career and Technical Education building and improve the site; and to remodel, repair, and improve portions of the High School building, including HVAC, lighting, and electrical systems, building controls, and ceilings?"
about 1 month ago, Chad Janzen
warrior news
The Sergeant Bluff-Luton School District currently has an opening in the Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. Opportunities for movement with transfers may arise, potentially opening positions in other grade levels in grades K-3. A reading endorsement is encouraged but not required.  Applicants are encouraged to share specific grade level interest in their cover letter, if desired.  The position will remain open until filled.     
3 months ago, Chad Janzen
Warrior News
Sergeant Bluff-Luton CSD is pleased to announce Mrs. Sarah Konopasek as the new Principal of SBL Elementary School, effective July 1, 2024. Mrs. Konopasek has been a teacher and instructional coach at SBL since 2010. Please join us in welcoming her transition to this position!
4 months ago, Chad Janzen
warrior news
Today marks the last BBQ grill out by Dr. McCrory at SBL Elementary School. Each year, during the last week of school, she grills for the students and teachers. Thank you, Dr. McCrory.
4 months ago, Susan Kloostra
Dr McCrory, BBQ
Look for those library books.
4 months ago, Susan Kloostra
Return library books
4th grade field trip
4 months ago, Susan Kloostra
SBL ES Dairy Tour
The Board of Education of the Sergeant Bluff-Luton CSD is seeking a highly qualified, visionary, and fully certified educational leader to serve as the next Elementary School Principal, beginning July 1, 2024. Questions regarding the process or position should be directed to Superintendent Chad Janzen. Applicants should follow the process found on the district website at www.sblschools.com/page/employment
5 months ago, Chad Janzen
May is School Board Recognition Month and we are saying "Thank You" to the board members who donate their time to lead our public schools. We recognize your service and commitment to our students, educators, administrators and our community.
5 months ago, Susan Kloostra
School Board
May Lunch Menu
5 months ago, Jenni McCrory
May Menu
The Sergeant Bluff-Luton School District currently has two Elementary Teacher openings in fifth grade for the 2024-2025 school year. A reading endorsement is encouraged but not required. A strong background in math will be highly considered. Opportunities for movement with transfers may arise, potentially opening positions in other grade levels. Applicants are encouraged to share specific grade level interest in their cover letter, if desired. Positions will remain open until filled.
5 months ago, Chad Janzen
The Sergeant Bluff-Luton School District currently has two Elementary Teacher openings in fifth grade for the 2024-2025 school year. A reading endorsement is encouraged but not required. A strong background in math will be highly considered. Opportunities for movement with transfers may arise, potentially opening positions in other grade levels. Applicants are encouraged to share specific grade level interest in their cover letter, if desired. Positions will remain open until filled.
5 months ago, Chad Janzen
We have some lost clothing looking for their loved ones. Let us know if you see your student's items.
5 months ago, Susan Kloostra
Lost clothing
Lost clothing
Lost clothing
Lost clothing
Lost clothing
Lost clothing
Lost clothing